Analysis of the role of mass media and family on the national identity of students in Aran and Bidgol

Document Type : Original Article





National identity is considered as an identifying factor and an element of unity and solidarity at the level of society and the world. In this research, the national identity and its factors have been studied from the perspective of the students of Aran and Bidgol. The national identity was measured in three dimensions of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive questionnaires among students aged 18 - 26 years old. The results of this survey indicate a significant relationship between socio-economic status, gender, family function, the role of mass media, the rate of using mass media with a national identity. The results of regression analysis show that with respect to the generalized adjustment coefficient, the remaining variables in the regression equation explain 91.8% of the variance of the dependent variabl and this reflects the importance of the role of the family and the media in the process of socializing young people which can through scientific planning and large investments in these two areas help young people's identification and moved on to the path of human development and healthy social relationships.


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